We are all striving for some semblance of security in our lives… not just for our present but for our foreseeable future as well. One way to attain this security is by tailoring an effective living Will and Trust strategy on the basis of our specific needs and circumstances. In Michigan, living Wills and Trusts are shrouded in a legal framework that is robust and flexible.

As such, these elements can be leveraged to safeguard your assets, make informed healthcare decisions, and secure the welfare of your loved ones after you’ve passed away. With this comprehensive guide, we would like to explore the intricacies surrounding Michigan’s living Will and Trust strategies.

We would also be looking into their benefits and the pivotal role they play in securing the legacy you wish to leave behind.

Understanding the Concept of Living Wills and Trusts

Before we move any further, it is important to clear the air surrounding the core concepts that this article will focus on. According to most seasoned Will and Trust attorneys, these elements can be defined as follows

1. Living Will

A living Will is nothing but a legal document that dictates your preferences for medical treatment in the event you are unable to make these decisions yourself in the future. The document will address issues pertaining to organ donation, life-sustaining treatments, and the use of pain-management medications.

As any trusted attorney for Wills and Trusts will tell you, a living Will grants you the power of asserting autonomy. It ensures that your medical care is in line with your expressed wishes, especially when you aren’t able to consent to them due to illness or injury.

2. Trust

A Trust is known as a legal arrangement wherein one party (known as the trustee) holds and manages assets on behalf of another party (known as the beneficiary). Trusts can be characterized as versatile tools that can serve a diverse range of purposes. They could help with asset protection, easy transfer of wealth, or tax saving.

You’ll find various types of Trusts in Michigan, each serving a specific objective. A living Trust is perhaps the most common of the Trusts you’ll find. This type of Trust can be established while you are alive and can be changed when necessary.

Benefits of Crafting a Solid Living Will and Trust Strategy

There are many benefits to creating an efficient living Will and Trust strategy. The most prominent of these benefits are as follows

1. Control over Healthcare Decision 

As we mentioned before, one of the primary benefits of creating a living Will is the control it grants you over your own healthcare in the event you are incapacitated. Without a Will, these decisions will be left to your close family members or healthcare providers. A living Will allows you to specify your medical preferences in advance to ensure your treatment aligns with your wishes.

2. Asset Protection

Trusts are known for being effective tools for asset protection. A living Trust, for instance, can help safeguard your assets from legal claims, creditors, and other such threats. The protection that a Trust grants is particularly invaluable for individuals who own a substantial amount of assets. These Trusts are ideal for those who wish to secure their wealth for future generations.

3. Probate Avoidance

Probate can be defined as a legal process that validates a Will and distributes assets accordingly after a person’s death. The entire probate process is one that most people wish they could skip. It is time-consuming, very public, and costly. A properly funded living Trust can help you avoid the probate process and result in the seamless transfer of wealth to your beneficiaries.

4. Privacy

Proceedings like probate are deemed as public records. This means that anyone will be able to access information about your assets, beneficiaries, and estate. A living Trust can help you avoid this by completely eliminating the probate process. As such, you’ll be able to keep crucial details about your estate and assets out of the public eye.

5. Tax Efficiency

The estate tax law in Michigan has evolved drastically over the years. While there is no such thing as an estate tax as of 2021, it is important to stay up to speed with the changing tax legislation. You can still reap significant tax advantages by creating a Trust, especially if you are an individual with a high net worth.

We suggest seeking the help of a seasoned Will and Trust attorney in Michigan to navigate the various complex tax issues that you may encounter during estate planning. A reliable attorney can definitely help you maximize the benefit of your implemented Trust strategy.

Key Components of a Michigan Living Will and Trust

1. Living Will

To create a michigan living will and trust, you’ll need the following

  • Express your healthcare preferences in clear terms. This includes decisions about life support, organ donation, pain management, etc.
  • Appoint someone you trust as a patient advocate who’ll be in charge of making medical decisions on your behalf.
  • Make sure the document is duly signed, dated, and witnessed as per Michigan law.

2. Trust

Creating a Trust will entail the following

  • Assign a trustee, someone who’ll manage your assets and distribute them according to your wishes after your passing
  • Assign beneficiaries who will inherit your assets.
  • Fund the Trust properly by transferring assets into it. These assets could be in the form of investments, real estate, or personal property.
  • Outline the terms and conditions empowering the Trust.

3. Pour-Over Will

A pour-over Will is often created with a living Trust to include any assets that weren’t included in your Trust during your lifetime. These assets make their way into your Trust after death.

4. Durable Power of Attorney

This is a legal document that designates someone to make important legal and financial decisions on your behalf. This document is crucial for managing affairs and protecting assets.

The Importance of Legal Guidance

Creating a living Will and Trust isn’t child’s play. It involves navigating through several legal hoops and most common folks aren’t skilled enough to undertake this endeavor. This is a task best left to a seasoned estate planning attorney.

Here are some of the reasons why you should hire reliable living Will and Trust attorneys

  • An experienced attorney will tailor your living Will and Trust strategy to appropriately meet your specific goals and needs.
  • A lawyer who’s privy to Michigan laws will ensure you meet all legal requirements when creating a living Will or Trust.
  • A skilled lawyer can guide you in securing your assets and wealth against potential threats.
  • A skilled lawyer can help you navigate the complex tax landscape of Michigan and minimize your liabilities in the process.
  • A lawyer will help you attain peace of mind knowing all your documents are taken care of and you are complying with Michigan’s estate laws.

If you too wish to secure your future through an effective living Will and Trust strategy, we suggest you give us a call at the offices of Sean Patrick Cox. We are the first name that pops up when you search ‘the best living Will and Trust attorney near me’.

Initial consultation with us is free. Call us now to learn how we can help with your estate. 


Sean Patrick Cox is a lawyer. Sean practices in two main areas, family law, and elder law. he has represented clients in complex divorce cases since 1994.