As a law firm that has helped numerous folks with estate planning Grand Rapids MI, we know just how instrumental the practice can be. It can serve a wide range of invaluable purposes… one of which involves asset protection. No one lives forever. If you are someone with assets and wealth to your name, you’d want to see it transferred to your loved ones or heirs upon your passing.

Estate planning can ensure the value of your asset is protected as it is seamlessly transferred to your desired beneficiaries. Estate planning can provide you with peace of mind. It allows you to financially support and care for the people you love even after you are no longer a part of their life.

Suffice it to say that you need a comprehensive estate plan that seamlessly interweaves asset protection strategies. This is easier said than done unless you have good legal representation.

In this article, we’ll be shedding light on the importance of integrating asset protection into your estate plan and also share a few strategies that could secure your wealth from creditors and other potential risks.

Why Asset Protection is Such an Integral Part of Estate Planning

Asset protection isn’t something that is new to the realm of estate planning. It has always been an integral part of estate planning. A typical asset protection strategy would entail the implementation of legal or financial measures to safeguard wealth or assets from a number of threats.

These threats could come in the form of creditors, lawsuits, taxes, divorce settlements, and more. You stand to reap a number of benefits by skillfully incorporating asset protection strategies into your estate plan. They are as follows:

1. Wealth Preservation

The number one reason for anyone implementing asset protection strategies is to preserve their wealth. A good asset protection strategy will keep your assets’ value intact and ensure your loved ones’ financial security long after you’ve passed away.

2. Protection Against Creditors

If you pass away with outstanding debts or unresolved lawsuits, you might have credits trying to access your assets as a means of compensation. A good asset protection strategy will make it very difficult for creditors to get their hands on your assets.

3. Boosting the Value of your Estate

Besides preserving the value of your estate, a good estate protection strategy can also significantly boost the value of your asset. These strategies grant you better control over how your assets are distributed upon your passing. The maximization of your estate’s value will also ensure that more of your assets are distributed among your loved ones.

Best Asset Protection Strategies to be Implemented in an Estate Plan

Now that you know how important asset protection is, allow us to highlight a few strategies that you could integrate into your estate plan. Pay attention as this might come in handy when you undertake estate planning in Grand Rapids, MI in the near future.

1. Creating a Trust

Trusts are perhaps the most instrumental tool of estate planning. Once established, these trusts can render strong asset protection benefits. Certain types of trusts do a better job of protecting your assets than others. A spendthrift trust or a domestic asset protection trust, for instance, could prove effective in safeguarding you from potential creditors.

You could set up a revocable trust to hold certain assets during the entirety of a grantor’s lifetime. These assets would eventually be transferred to the designated beneficiary upon your passing. An irrevocable trust, on the other hand, can be set up with the specific purpose of protecting your assets from creditors and your estate from taxes.

2. Limited Liability Entities

If you own a business, then perhaps it would be in your best interest to structure them as limited liability entities. Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies are good examples of such entities. This model essentially draws a line between your personal and business assets.

Doing so could grant your personal assets additional security. By establishing a limited liability entity, you could protect your assets from personal liability that stems from lawsuits or other issues closely connected to your business endeavors.

3. Will Creation

A Will is yet another fundamental aspect of estate planning. A will specifies how your assets are to be distributed upon your passing. This Will ensure your wishes are being honored with your assets being distributed just as you had envisioned it.

We suggest seeking the help of a seasoned estate planning attorney to draft a will that clearly expresses your wishes.  This will ensure there aren’t any disputes in the future.

4. Homestead Property Tax Credit

Michigan offers its residents a special privilege with the help of which you could safeguard your residence from creditors. This privilege could apply to you if you were a resident of Michigan for at least six months during a year. There are other conditions that you have to meet as well. Understanding this law could help you protect your home.

So, we suggest you give the offices of Sean Patrick Cox a call to get some clarity on the law.

5. Mitigating Estate Taxes

Estate taxes can significantly diminish the value of your assets. This could leave your heirs with assets that aren’t as valuable as they were during your lifetime. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to minimize the taxes on your estate. You could establish an irrevocable living trust, gift assets when you are alive, or even leverage the applicable exclusion amount.

Navigating estate taxes can be confusing. So, we suggest you seek the help of a good lawyer, preferably someone who is seasoned in the field of estate planning in Grand Rapids, MI.

6. Business Succession Planning

It is a wise idea for businessmen to take their succession plan into account when drawing an estate plan. Without a proper succession plan, your business could fall into jeopardy upon your untimely death. With some proactive planning, you can secure your business and maintain its value for the benefit of your future generation.

Some great business succession planning strategies entail the establishment of trusts and setting up a buy-sell agreement.

If you want to learn more about estate planning, wills, and trusts, we suggest you give us at the offices of Sean Patrick Cox a call right away.


By incorporating asset protection strategies within your estate plan, you are essentially ensuring the financial stability of your loved ones. A well-crafted estate plan will not only preserve the value of your assets but also boost it significantly for future generations.

With the right asset protection strategy in place, you could minimize estate taxes, ensure fair distribution of your assets, and protect your wealth against creditors and other similar threats.

That said, you’ll need the help of a seasoned attorney to help you draw an estate plan that incorporates rewarding asset protection strategies. This is where the services of Sean Patrick Cox come into play.

We are the first name that pops up when you Google “Estate Planning attorney near me”.

Initial consultation with our lawyer is absolutely free.


Sean Patrick Cox is a lawyer. Sean practices in two main areas, family law, and elder law. he has represented clients in complex divorce cases since 1994.